So a couple days ago I mentioned that I was in WIP land. I really didn’t feel like starting anything new the past few days so I have just been knitting on projects and 3 projects got completed.
First up was my hat that I have been working on .. It was for my sister in law who is much smaller then I am so instead of using the martha loom I used my All In One Loom by knitting board and went down from 80 to 50 pegs I don’t know if it fits her yet because when I saw her the clan was taking my nephew to his last day of kindergarten.
Next finished object is for my cousin. When I bought this off ebay I wasn’t sure what to knit with it. Her favorite colors are blue and green I was happy to finish this and going to send it to her soon!
Lastly, this doctor who tardis dishcloth for us. As I mentioned the first time I knitted these they sold so because we are whovians in this house its a little off by the picture but I enjoyed making this.
So whats next I am going to start this project its called a baktus. I got this yarn at the Lancaster Yarn Shop in Intercourse, PA. I love this yarn and cant wait to knit with it.
Next are my socks, I am waiting for my needles to arrive before I knit the vanilla latte socks.
Till next time…